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Dear Customer,  In order to register domain names in bulk,  you need to sign-in first.Please take a moment to login to your existing Customer account or create a new Customer account below.
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(Email ID)
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If you do not have an existing Customer account with us fill in the form below -
  New Customer Form
Company Name:   *    (Please Enter N/A if not applicable)
Contact Person Name:   *  
Address1:   *  
City:   *  
Country:   *  
Zip:   *  
Tel No.:  
(eg.001 - 41512345678)  
*    - 
Alternate Tel No.:  
(eg.001 - 41512345678)  
Mobile No.:  
(eg.001 - 41512345678)  
Fax No.:  
(eg.001 - 41512345678)  
  Login Details

Your email address is used as your Username.You are allowed to change this Username at anytime from your Customer Interface.

Email Address:   *  
Password:   *  
Confirm Password:   *  
  Inteface Details

Please select the language you are comfortable with, so that we may present all interfaces to you in that language, to the extent possible.

Language Preference     
 I have read the Customer Master Agreement,and i agree to all the items therein.